BARBERRY ( Berberis Thunbergii):
Iran produces 95% Barberry of the world. The plant is cultivable in Iran region only.
A thorny tree of 1 to 5 meters high. The wood is in either red, brown or yellow color. Its leaves are oval & saw shaped with a fruit that is oval and red and tastes sour.
Iran is the biggest producer of Barberry in the world. Barberry is famous in the world for its use in culinary, medicinal and as dressings. Anthocyanin level is a good measure for Barberry of high quality. Anthocyanin level depends upon the climate, picking date and picking time in the day.
Barberry just like citrus fruits is quite rich in vitamin C.
RTN Company, under its supervision, collects, sorts, washes, dries up, and packs under stringent hygienic conditions for its Clients all over the world.
For your inquiries regarding Barberry, please write to Export Department of RTN Company.